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Communication Protocols, Do's & Dont's

Thank you for reading this...

As we strive to provide the best download access, support access, and natural experience possible. A few things are required on your end. When live people are on this end to fill your order(s), and service your account... Please remember....

  1. Be Polite & Mind your Manners. On the internet you don't know who you are communicating with. Someone's spouse, someone's neice, someone's daughter, and just like you.. Customer Service Agent's are people with feelings too. Be nice.
  2. Be Patient. Everyone here is from somewhere else on the planet. What is day for you may be midnight here. When live persons provide customer service and fill your order.. they may be sleeping when you order.. so be patient and I assure you, everything will work out and you will get access to your airplanes.

  1. Don't Over Punctuate or write in CAPS. This one does need to be said. On the internet, this text here is just like speaking. Including emotion, tone and inflection that you give it with how it's entered, and punctuation marks.

    • Do ask a question? versus Do NOT ask a QUESTION???????
    • Do say something with exclamation! versus Do NOT use multiple exclamation points!!!!!!!!!
    • Do write in polite case & punctuation. versus NEVER USE ALL CAPS WITH MULTIPLE!!!????

Thank you, and enjoy the flight.
The Captain