POLICIES 2012/07/12

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POLICIES 2012/07/12

Postby AADX »


- All aircraft products are downloadable via this website.

- No aircraft products are ever dispensed by disc or physically mailed/shipped.

- All aircraft products are assured to work in the published version they are intended for.

- Use of aircraft products in X-Plane versions other than the aircraft published release version is un-supported by definition.

- Officially, I DO NOT support any of my aircraft products in BETA or RC versions of X-Plane.

- All manufacturer trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

- After file access, no refunds.

- Not responsible for any coincidental problems experienced on your computer.

- Not responsible for any monetary differences due to or related to currency exchange or exchange rate.

- I reserve the right to deny/rescind download access for persons I deem may have pirated the software.

- I reserve the right to refund your order and deny access for any aggressive or abusive behavior on your part.

- Expected ETA between order to initial CSR reply may be up to 12-18 hours. Expected ETA between order to download access is largely dependent on you and typically shall not exceed 48 hours. Again, largely dependent on your own compliance with instructions by which to get into the download access system for the order to be filled and able to be downloaded (In most cases, ETA's can be nearly barely minutes to a couple hours, initial reply with instructions can often be sent within minutes. The after-payment autoreturn directs you to the instructions page which might be denied if you have pop-up's blocked on *your* browser. so the swiftness by which you progress from order to download is largely dependent on *you*)

:: PRICING SYSTEM : For VX Individual Aircraft (5/) ::
Prices for aircraft for x-plane have ranged over time from less than $10, to presently up to $35. This entry will demonstrate both why it has, and what factors I used in particular that establish pricing. What I noticed with version 7 aircraft that were common at $7, $9 and $10. were that they were ACF bodied w/ paint and 2D panel aircraft. They contained no 3D. But way back then, ACF/2D tended to be $10 on average. As of X-Plane v8, 3D cockpits became common, and added extra time to produce. Adding the 3d cockpits added time and prices tended to rise to ~$15 as the norm... so a pattern began to emerge. At least I identified.

$5 per component. In theory an ACF only plane would be $5. ACF+2D panel $10, ACF+2D_panel+3D_cockpit $15. ACF+2D_panel+3D_cockpit+3D_body $20... and so on. Each component of the Aircraft package represents $5 worth of material and time. Extra material such as extra liveries, CSL resources, night_LIT content, or involved extra development work.. adds $5. I call this the 5/, or "five by" system. An individual plane, for VersionX, including updates and support through that whole VX, it's current price is related to the content it has. e.g. ACF/2D/3D/3D = 5/5/5/5 = $20.

:: PRICING SYSTEM : For ENSEMBLE Aircraft (1/1/1) ($x/plane/release) ::
Package sets of aircraft (PIPERS) use a non-standard pricing structure due to the load that is incurred to attend to them times(x) the number of aicraft in the set. This scaled, ground-up, structure establishes a price per plane, per/each release so that the service and enhancement work that is invested and re-invested into the set is supported incrementally. This structure ensures that each release is of great value and supports the efforts contained in each release. Essentially, it ensures that you get the releases you pay for, and supports the releases that you get. This structure allows you to skip releases for xplane versions you don't have, and supports each release that you want, and choose your level of investment into the efforts behind the continuing set.

I have tortured long and hard over inventing this strategy so that it serves everyone. You the customer/supporter choose your level of involvement/support over the life of the product. The lifespan of the product is defined by the support for it over time. The product is supported incrementally and on a continuing basis. All releases and invested effort are supported, and you pay only for the releases that you actually get. This structure/model differs from the 'traditional' model, where you pay a fixed price once, and get an unspecified & unguarateed quantity of updates included to your purchase price. This format ensures that none of your money goes to waste by your funds supposedly affording you free updates, which may not come out frequently enough to justify what you paid for the aircraft.

Commercial Royalty Free licensing is available. Commercial use includes any reference to these aircraft which have any incidental relationship to your business or organization operation. Examples of organization personel for which this may apply include: flight instructors, brokers, manufacturers, advertising agencies, etc.

Commercial services I offer include: design services, and licensed use.

Please contact me directly for information on and to negotiate terms specific to your interests or needs.

Commercial use without permission is prohibited.

Individual persons in posession of these aircraft files and creations may use them for their own personal & private, non-commercial use only. No modifications to the artwork or .acf or .afl files are allowed. No other use is authorized without express permission.

Copyright Infringment Notice:
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (LINK)

Piracy will be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

What gives game publishers the right to enforce United States copyrights outside of the United States?
U.S. copyrights are protected and enforceable in over 100 countries that have signed the Berne Convention, the TRIPs Agreement and/or have entered into in bilateral accords with the United States. The Berne Convention and TRIPs Agreement set international standards for the protection of intellectual property rights. Therefore, a game from a U.S. publisher is automatically protected in most countries and they have every right to enforce our copyrights under local laws.

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