CX162A Skycatcher"Highway Song" by Ravi & the Rexers (my friend was the drummer)Basically.. along with a huge surprise coming for the 162, I took her up for a spin.... figuratively and literally. All the hyperbole and controversy over the 'spin' that the 162A somehow exibited... in the 931 flight model I wanted to see how the same airframe fared. We all know that x-plane doesn't really spin, no matter what AM just won't do a real one wing flying, one wing dying spin. It does get close with one-wing-drop stalls, but.. while it may not do it exactly, what it does do... is a reasonable analog for stability, aerodynamics, etc.
Now.. my 162 is made not from photos, but from actual [redacted] mfgr diagrams, calibrated to specified dimensions, etc etc yada yada. Being a newly unveiled concept aircraft, or pre-production post-concept aircraft, there's no TCDS on it for control deflections, cg limit, etc. So what information was not published in the [redacted] mfgr materials, I had to use my own methods for placing cg wisely, and control deflections (control sizes were depicted in the material).. well. just like my first shakedown flight with it.. was to demonstrate it's characteristics... so does "The Shakedown Part 2... Mettle or Aluminum"