1976 RFB Fanliner, by Luigi Colani
About October 2008, I began this project. I had been talking to Criminy and some reference to this came up in which I thought it was an extremely cool, interesting and exciting design. It was also fascinating that it was similar in a number of ways to the 2006 PM cover plane, my x450TJ, being a pilot/passenger pod, mid/rear engine, T tail, shoulder mounted straight wings... separated by 30 years.
This plane was one that would absolutely require a 3d object body because of the center propfan duct, blending, shaping, and all that. So it served as an exploration of whole body shaping, modelling and texturing. The acf, being based on an otherwise wholly unpublished concept design... I had to choose the similar analogs to use. I had to choose everything from the size proportion, weight, airfoil, control system, even power. I based it on PA-28-160. and given the era, gave it an estimated proper weight for aircraft of that time. It is all estimates based on similar analogs of the time. One deviation i'll cite, is that since being made today.. I put in a 200hp version of the same engine, and constant speed prop in the duct.
It has been a long time coming. I have the 3D cockpit structure started, but that has proved to be the stalling point on the project. the size, shape and orientation of the interior, that is entirely unseen in any pictures.
Criminy loves this plane and is always asking about it's status. It's a great flying little plane. I changed the panel to the same one from the C3M_F1, on a variation of the glider_panel, so it is largely a large-view, VFR, cruiser, explorer, and sight-see'er.
2010/02/06 : For now, it's in the open for free, as a gift to my loyal regulars. HERE