LJX from Vancouver Intl to Whistler... or so I thought. Dialed in CYWS direct on the GPS, up to 12.5 and 250KIAS for a nice little jaunt up to the slopes.. and to peruse the location of the 2010 Winter Olympics. My bad, not to preflight check the destination ID... or be familiar ahead of time I guess. CYWS is just a seaplane base.. no putting down there. Overflew the slopes, looking down at all the runs carving through the trees.. and then looked around for a more suitable airport. CYSE just down the canyon a ways.. and looked about right. Nestled between two steeply sloping mountains to each side.. the appraoch was a little harrowing. Slowing to 140, 120, then 90 entered straight into the downwind leg, not really an option to enter at the 45 with the slope face to the side.. setup for the downwind out into the valley floor below but.. which also faces into steeply rising terrain before turning base.. also into steep faced terrain.. then final. The runway there isn't terribly long, so 'ga' is the flavor of the day for getting into CYSE. Armed speedbrakes, full flap, dragged it in at 90kts, and cut power when clearing the trees, to drag the mush in for a fly on landing slowing through 60. off at the first taxiway.. you can almost see the sign for the Cocoa & Cider on the door of the little fbo house....