by AADX »
I agree, great shots Edwin.
final segment of
AADX LJX 10 into
- spotted KSEZ after cresting the eastern ridge and looking down into the wide verde valley and majestic red rocks of Sedona.
- VFR, banking in for mid-field entry, for left traffic.
- my signature move, flaps down, gear up.
- base to final, set up wide considering the ~20kt right quartering crosswind. considering how that strong and slightly gusty air mass is moving across the airport mesa. preparing for a leftward movement drift on the final approach segment.
- :) see. this new feature on the HUD view. ( think about it like a pilot visor like apparatus, or head worn visor system. ) but this new feature I clicked onto some time ago moves the hud around tracking aircraft flight path vector. in addition to the vector reticle, the speed and altitude bars move also to really help keep your attention on the flight path vector. this really helps show you how much the nose of the aircraft is pointed off center, and the direction yer going. you can see there on the screen the wind direction, at 17kt cornering crosswind making that happen.
- that wind drift is no joke, even coming in upwind wing low, crabbed, and setting down (mostly) flat. :)
- it's =especially= important during strong and crosswind landings to get those spoilers to pop on touchdown to cut lift and help with air drag. ideally getting the flaps up so to limit getting picked back up, but those lift cutting spoilers are very important.
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