Wow, you guys are all doing great. I need to catch up.
Max, I think you're really going to like the update coming for the T6X. I'll post one update, then proceed into adding the blender lamps, all the back and fourth to adjust them, and do the night cockpit as a next update. but this one coming, shown in the skunkworks '
something spicy this way comes' shows some samples. nicer shaping to the canopy arches, interior enclosure sides, and lots of optimizations to the objects and their texturing.
Those Criminy T6X paints are always just awesome. I want to get another Fast_Track lap done in one of those, as well as darken the orange of the recent white/orange one that was requested.
Aquila those shots of the Learjet25 are great. I'm guessing that the heat blur originates from the exhaust_point? the hdr heat blur and 3d on aircraft shadows look great on that. Swantanee, great picture of that golden SR2X. very nicely done.