it's a redux of the F22 from v7 something, that is ... or was, included with the "hacked and battered" mission, for anyone that got that download. that v7 one was all acf, no obj parts, I went through and cleaned all the data making it correct, quick objectified it, did a few things with the textures and baked it. anyone that has that scenery (before it was retired and the mission moved offline), has it in the "mission_ac" folder. i'ts a pretty good, and data clean & accurate F22.
was testing something else secret out, with it... ... following the other beautiful sunset pic entered earlier, thought I'd post one too, I rarely do sunset ones.
madmax, ty for posting those great LJX shots. usually i'm the only one ever posting shots of my customs. ty vm. same with your shots of the targawing a few back too.