and some more LFX9 love. at XMAS was it, LFX8 & LJX received "MERCY" MedEvac paints. Since then MERX bronze, tail tat Dragon, and other paint version for those. to enjoy the OJB'ness of the LFX9 and add a small twist and variant to the group, added MERCY-9 to the LFX9 today, upping and posting shortly 'Fan9 (LFX9) and Jet-X (LJX). Next may be 3d cockpit redux on the M!G, a GA themed paint on the xBONE, and something more in line with the MERX theme on the JOKER. I have other PA's to be working on, a still standing Helicopter project I cant mention... another personal interest helicopter project....
anyway.. LFX9, MERCY-9. (I may extend the white band forward further like it is on LFX8.. but the pics show the wet new paint.. avail for download shortly)
Those shots are awesome Crim!!!